Dressed for Success!
The Kenyan school year runs from January to November. The highest demand for uniforms and supplies is in January when schools re-open. Worn out and small items need to be replaced. Children shifting to high school need new full sets.
Every year Elimu purchases over 100 pairs of school uniforms, 30 pairs of school shoes, 100 pairs of school socks, 30 sweaters and 60 or so handkerchiefs.
Your donations will provide the clothing we need to outfit our kids for the new year. You can choose items from the list below.
Below is a general list of prices for various items. | |
Black Leather Shoes $30 | Long-sleeved Sweater $20 |
Sleeveless Sweater (Vest) $15 | Backpack $15 |
Sports Shorts or Skirt $15 | School T-shirt $12 |
Long Trousers (high school) $12 | Dress Shorts (primary) $10 |
Skirt $10 | Shirt or Blouse $10 |
Sport Shoes $10 | Socks $2 |
Tie $2 | Handkerchieves (2) $1 |
The Kenyan school system is based on the British system where uniforms are a must – beginning in kindergarten through to the end of high school. While uniforms are a cost burden to parents, they have the benefit of leveling the playing field. The stigmas of poverty are reduced when all children dress the same. The standard uniform consists of a shirt with a school badge on the pocket worn with skirts (pleated or plain) for girls and long pants or dress shorts for boys. Standard black leather shoes complete the look. Most school also require a “P. E. Kits for sports.
Will you help us dress our kids for school?
Donations on behalf of friends and family on your Christmas list can be made easily online at Elimu.ca.
Blessings of the Holiday Season to all of you from the Elimu family in Kenya!
Elimu Resource Centre Launched At Local Education Day
Since our new resource centre opened its doors in April, it has attracted a lot of public attention, as well as appreciation from the education industry around Malindi. Elimu was invited to host a stand at the annual Sub-County Education Day held in June. During the event, teachers and students from almost all schools in the area were present. Key political representatives, including the area member of parliament, were on hand as Elimu staff presented the digital tools and services of the centre. The most popular items were the eReaders, which are loaded with digital textbooks for all subjects from Grade 4 through high school. At the Centre, students who have never held a school book in their hands get access to all the books they need to do their homework and study.
A Proud Moment for
Nyumbani Kwetu’s Ibrahim
Ibrahim (smiling in the middle) is the oldest of the children of Nyumbani Kwetu Home. Early on our founder, Nina Chung, noticed that he had a hidden talent for art, keeping an exercise book where he sketched and wrote poems. Developing his talent was not easy in a school system with no arts program! During school holidays, he followed graphic design courses and learned to draw from “how to” books. He eventually found his inner artist and chose a career in Interior Design. He entered an arts college in 2015. Design is his new identity! On October 14th, Nina proudly attended the graduation ceremonies for his certificate program. The certificate qualifies him to enter a full diploma program in January. It was an extremely proud moment for both “Mum” and “Son”.
Sewing Program Goes Digital
The 18 students of Elimu’s sewing project meet once a week at Elimu Resource Centre for computer training where they learn how to research new fashion designs. Under the guidance of Elimu staff and volunteers, the Heri students are exposed to styles from other countries and adapt them into their own local styles. They have produced wonderful outfits as a result. These young women had never touched an actual computer before June! Elimu sponsored a low key fashion show at the college on November 5th, giving the students a chance to showcase their new found skills and creative fashion designs! Click this link for a short video clip of students at their sewing machines https://vimeo.com/160802161.
Fresh Water is Flowing at Upendo
In the past, to get a drink of water at Upendo School would have meant �?lling a large plastic jug from a community water pipe metres away. Since October, students and teachers are now simply opening the tap and �?lling their cups with clean water. The school management committee was able to raise funds to erect a standpipe on the compound.